3 Reasons You Need a Mouthguard

Mouthguards are a type of oral appliance made of solid plastic that keep your teeth and jaw in a specific position. While there are mouthguards to be worn during sports and other models designed for sleeping, all mouthguards have the same basic role – to protect!

You may think of mouthguards as the boil-and-bite models you can get at your local pharmacy or sporting goods store. While these can offer some level of protection, a custom mouthguard from your dentist is far superior in fit, comfort and effectiveness. Mouthguards from your dentist are uniquely fabricated to fit over every crevice and groove of your smile. In addition, they can be made from higher grade materials, which means better protection and lasting durability.

Could your smile benefit from a mouthguard? Here are three main reasons to invest in a dental mouthguard:

Prevent Mouth Injury During Sports

Did you know that athletes are 60 times more likely to harm their teeth if they aren’t wearing a mouthguard? If you are a regular participant in outdoor activities or contact sports, an athletic mouthguard can save you from accidental mouth injuries such as cheek/lip/tongue lacerations, broken teeth, knocked out teeth and jaw damage. Recent studies have even shown that a well-fitted mouthguard can help prevent concussions in youth sports!

Protect Your Teeth and Jaw from Teeth Grinding

According to the American Dental Association, bruxism or teeth grinding occurs in 10-15% of all adults. This is a habit that is hard to stop, especially if you do it while you are sleeping. A custom night guard can be worn to prevent grinding and clenching as well as the negative consequences that often occur, such as worn down teeth, TMJ problems and headaches.

Treat Sleep Apnea/Snoring

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep condition that is marked by frequent episodes of breathing cessations during the night. These pauses in breathing often result in waking up gasping for air and loud snoring. However, more serious drawbacks of untreated sleep apnea can affect your entire body and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. An FDA approved custom mouthguard can hold the jaw in a position that keeps the airway open, thus preventing dangerous sleep apnea episodes and snoring. This can be an ideal choice for mild to moderate sleep apnea or patients who cannot tolerate a CPAP machine.

If your teeth and jaw need extra protection due your level of activity or daily habits, don’t shy away. Modern dental mouthguards from your dentist are much more comfortable than you may assume. Most of all, they can save you from disruptive pain and the unplanned cost of dental repairs. Call Manhattan Dental Design today to learn about your mouthguard options!

Posted on behalf of Manhattan Dental Design



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