5 Reasons Why Your Teen Will Love Invisalign

Getting your teenager on board with orthodontic treatment can be difficult. The idea of wearing braces through middle school or high school can be a major threat to your child’s self-esteem and social acceptance. However, with the option of Invisalign Teen, convincing your teenager to get metal braces might not be a battle you have to fight. In fact, teenagers welcome the idea of clear aligner therapy versus becoming a “metal mouth” through adolescence. Not only does Invisalign provide effective results in correcting bad bites and crooked teeth, but it also requires minimal sacrifice on behalf of your busy, socially-conscious teen.

Here are 5 top reasons why Invisalign is appealing to teens compared to conventional metal braces:

1. The Treatment Is Discreet – Your teen won’t have to “brace” themselves for teasing or ridicule about metal brackets and wires. Instead, Invisalign relies on clear plastic aligners that fit snugly over their smile. Invisalign is virtually invisible to others!

2. It’s Removable! – While you’ll be required to wear the aligners for up to 22 hours out of the day, you can remove the appliance for eating, brushing and flossing. Not only does this help to keep your mouth cleaner during orthodontic treatment, but you’ll be free to enjoy your favorite snacks and candy too. Teens value the fact that they can also take out their Invisalign for a special event, such as yearbook photos, the homecoming dance or a band concert.

3. More Free Time – What teen doesn’t want more free time? Instead of being tied up in multiple office visits to have your braces tightened, you can enjoy the freedom of knowing that you only have to check in with your Invisalign dentist about once every 4-6 weeks. Of course, your aligners will need to be switched out every two weeks, but you can do this part on your own!

4. A Natural Feel – Invisalign aligners are much smooth and less bulky than braces. Therefore, they will feel much more like your natural teeth when you speak. You will also avoid common braces irritations such as sores, bleeding and discomfort along the gums, lips and cheeks.

5. Fast, Effective Results – In many cases, Invisalign can produce results faster than traditional braces. You won’t have to endure 2 to 3 years to see a straight and beautiful smile. Although it varies for each patient, the average Invisalign treatment is 12 to 18 months. Invisalign can correct underbites, overbites and cross bites as well as teeth that are crooked, crowded or gapped.

Ready to get started on Invisalign Teen? Choose Manhattan Dental Design as your leading Invisalign provider. We help both adults and teens take advantage of the most preferred orthodontic solutions available.

Posted on behalf of Manhattan Dental Design



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